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Briden Cole Schueren is a self taught painter who was encouraged and guided at a young age by
his grandmother, who was also a painter.
He uses unconventional methods and
techniques in his work, including hand
crafting his own paint brushes to further
enhance his unique usage of color,
movement, and texture in each piece.
Briden is an international queer trans
activist, artist, and business owner, who shares
his life’s journey through his art. Being born a
female-bodied person, he loves making art that pushes boundaries and makes people think beyond societal norms. His many challenges and personal transformations have led to the happy person he is today, and his love and passion to create can be felt in each of his pieces. It is this passion to create art in any form, that has given his life immense purpose and joy.
"If I did not have the ability to create in my life, I am not sure where I would be now. Art has helped me in so many ways, it has saved my life and that is why I want to share it with others."